Evaluation – Andrew Goodwin’s Theory

I will now analyse my finished music video using Andrew Goodwin’s theory that I have recently learnt in my media lessons. First I will look at the genre. We have shown the pop genre in our music video, we have done this by creating a strong narrative, making it colourful, and humorous. We created a strong […]

Final Media Product

This post contains our Final Media Products. This includes the music video, the digi-pak, and the album advert. Although different from my original drawn design, I have still kept the close ups as it is conventional for a pop genre. Instead of having the Superman colours as the background for the album advert I decided […]


15.11.12 Today we filmed the establishing shot, and also we filmed an iPod playing Katy Perry’s “One Of The Boys” We also went down to the tv studio to book an appointment so we can film another scene. Here is a picture of me going to book an appointment. 21.11.12 Today we decided to film […]

Drafts of Ancillary Products

For my digi-pak I decided to do a bit of research before I come up with a draft for my digi-pak design. First I looked at McFly’s album “Above The Noise” I really liked the pose and the setting they used. It had reminded me of a superhero ready to face the world. So I […]

Schedule + Shot List

After the production meeting we all sat down and wrote down a schedule that we will attempt to our fully ability to follow.   In this we included when we would like to film, where, what props we would need and also costume and characters. This would give us a clear understanding and help us […]


We have drawn a storyboard so we can show how we want our music video narrative to flow.  It shows us what shots we want to use and how we want to frame each shot. The first shot we want to include is an establishing shot of the setting. We want to film a cut […]

Location Research

Today our group went looking for location ideas, instead of just looking on google maps, we actually went looking around, in the cold… Here is our pictures: We want our music video to be set in a school, so we think that this will be a great establishing shot. To make it have a sense […]

Props and Costume Research

In class today my group decided to research some of the costumes we consider using for our music video, modeled by yours truly! We think that Lois Lame would wear flowery clothes as that is her style, Therefore when she goes through her transformation we all agree that she will be wearing this dress.  In “One Of The […]

Artist Mood Board

Today in my media class was kind of like an arts and crafts lesson you would see in primary school (minus the lollypop sticks and glitter) My group were working on creating a mood board to show how we want our artist (Lois Lame) to look and what she would like etc. we flicked through […]