Evaluation – Andrew Goodwin’s Theory

I will now analyse my finished music video using Andrew Goodwin’s theory that I have recently learnt in my media lessons.

First I will look at the genre.

We have shown the pop genre in our music video, we have done this by creating a strong narrative, making it colourful, and humorous.

We created a strong narrative by having the music video set in a high school and the protagonist being a teenage girl crushing on a teenage boy. This can be seen in other pop genre music videos like JoJo – Leave (Get Out) and Paramore – Misery Business.

One of The Boys set in School

One of The Boys set in School














JoJo Music video set in a School

JoJo Music video set in a School
















Misery Business also set in a school

Misery Business also set in a school
















We made our music video colourful through mise-en-scene. Lois Lame wore bright colours in her costumes, and the props used were also colourful to indicate to the audience that the genre of the music video is pop. An example of this from a previous pop genre music video would be Demi Lovato – La La Land.

Lois Lame wearing bright colours.

Lois Lame wearing bright colours.


Demi Lovato in a pop music video

Demi Lovato in a pop music video




























I will now look at how we represented Sound and Vision in our product.

In our music video for Katy Perry “One Of The Boys” we amplified part of the lyrics to create the strong narrative that would run right through the music video.

We also included Illustrate in our media product, which is to show a clear representation from lyric to video. An example of this would be “And I walked right into school and caught you staring right at me.” We showed Lois Lame walking through a set of doors and her crush staring at her.

walked right into school

We have made a clear relationship between the music and the visuals. We also cut the visuals to the beat of the melody. We did this during editing, this made the music video flow and seem less jump cut.

I will now look at The Notions of Looking and how we have used it in our music video.

We have included a theme of Notions of Looking through-out our music video, we follow Lois Lame all the way through the music video. Andrew Goodwin would describe this as Notions of Looking as we are seeing Lois Lame in a voyeuristic gaze. Also in some scenes of the music video, we see Lois Lame sitting on a window sill, this also can be seen as Notions of Looking.



I will now look at how we represented the Star Image in our Music Video.

Music videos are used to promote an artists/bands star image. We have done this by including close-ups and trying to make the video seem humorous to fit in with Lois Lame’s Star Image. We also included the “nerd glasses” in the music video and also in my digi-pak as part of the star image. Also included in the Star Image is the house style I used of having a white background.

Part of Lois Lame's Star Image

Part of Lois Lame’s Star Image


Add humour to Lois Lame's Star Image

Add humour to Lois Lame’s Star Image


And finally I will look at how we used intertextuality in our final media product.

In this music video we have included a scene where Lois Lame spins round and transforms into Super-woman which is part of the Superman franchise. The name Lois Lame also indicates intertextuality, as the girl Clark Kent falls in love with is called “Lois Lane.”


Lois Lame as Superwoman to add intertextuality

Lois Lame as Superwoman to add intertextuality

Final Media Product

This post contains our Final Media Products. This includes the music video, the digi-pak, and the album advert.


My digi-pak showing the front and back of the cd case and the two in panels.

Although different from my original drawn design, I have still kept the close ups as it is conventional for a pop genre.


My album advert poster, which includes tracks that I included on the CD and also reviews by relative magazines.

Instead of having the Superman colours as the background for the album advert I decided to keep it white, as it has created a house style that can be seen in the music video and also the digi-pak.



Today we filmed the establishing shot, and also we filmed an iPod playing Katy Perry’s “One Of The Boys”


We also went down to the tv studio to book an appointment so we can film another scene. Here is a picture of me going to book an appointment.



Today we decided to film on location. We wanted to film the first couple of shots. We decided to sing the full song a couple of times from different angles, as we learnt from last year its better to film too much than too little. We dressed Lois Lame in tomboy-ish clothes and converse. We tied her hair up and put a baseball cap on and also glasses with tape around the middle (this was to create the dork effect, and it was also part of our star image) We had her sitting on a window ledge playing guitar.



This was the day we booked the television studio for. We filmed the bedroom scene and also little add-ons and close ups that we could use in our music video, as it is conventional of a pop music video to include close ups of the artist outside of the narrative. We took lots of pictures, and we had lots of fun filming the scene and all the extra add-ons.

tv studio tv studio 2 tv studio 3 tv studio 4


We didn’t plan anything to film today. So instead we headed off to the editing suite so we can begin putting our footage onto the system and begin sorting out our music video. We use Adobe Premier Pro to start editing.


Today we did some location filming. This involved carrying all of our equipment, like the camera, the camera stand, the props and all of our stuff to Bellevue Park. As I was portraying Lois Lame I had to put on my costume. When you look at the footage from the park, you well observe that the sun was shining and it looked a nice day. However the camera does not pick up how freezing cold it was, it did however pick up how muddy and slippery it was by all the crew falling and slipping every where. All this aside we enjoyed our day at the park and we got some decent shots that we can use in our music video.

football football 2 football 3


Today my group was in the Mac Suite creating our very own digipak. We had step by step help by Paul who knows how to work the Macs. Before this Lesson Penda and I went to the photography studio to take some pictures that we can use in our digipak.

mac suite


Today we were back to filming. We were filming in and around college. So we carted all our stuff around (and I had more to carry as Lois Lame had 3 costume changes in this location, which means sets of props. Although a lot of this filming involved me running to the bathroom a lot to change in and out of costume, it was a lot of fun and we got some much needed footage for our music video. Also I got to see what I look like blonde (as we wanted Lois Lame to play herself and also the “pearly girl” who has the boyfriend.) blonde

5.12.12 – 6.12.12 – 7.12.12 – 12.12.12 – 14.12.12 – 19.12.12 – 20.12.12 – 21.12.12

We had a deadline. To finish off the music video by Friday 21st December 2012 , we had 8 more sessions in the editing suite so we  buckled down and spent our time wisely editing our footage and putting them into an order that will make sense to the audience. To edit our music video we used Adobe Premier Pro. During editing we cut the footage to the beat of the song, to avoid the footage looking jumpy.



This was our final day at the Mac Suite, we had to finish our digipak.

Drafts of Ancillary Products

For my digi-pak I decided to do a bit of research before I come up with a draft for my digi-pak design.
First I looked at McFly’s album “Above The Noise”


I really liked the pose and the setting they used. It had reminded me of a superhero ready to face the world. So I think I may adapt this into my digi-pak and album advert.

In the album and also the album advert for Britney Spears – Circus she used an on going theme which included stars, red, gold and banners. This was shown as a house style which shows it is part of the same promotional package. I will adapt this concept into my own media products.


I have drawn a draft of how I would like my digi-pak to look.

In this I have included close ups which are conventional for a pop genre and also expressed how I want to display the intertextuality that is from Superman.

I have also drawn a draft for my album advert.


With this I have tried to carry over the superman colours and also attempted to create a conventional album advert.

Schedule + Shot List

After the production meeting we all sat down and wrote down a schedule that we will attempt to our fully ability to follow.



In this we included when we would like to film, where, what props we would need and also costume and characters. This would give us a clear understanding and help us when it comes to production.


We also wrote out a shot list for each shot we wanted. This will help us out greatly when it comes to filming, as we will have a clear understanding of how we want to frame our shot, instead of just winging it.


shot list


We included what would be in the frame of the shot and how we would like to position the camera for the shot.


We have drawn a storyboard so we can show how we want our music video narrative to flow.  It shows us what shots we want to use and how we want to frame each shot.


The first shot we want to include is an establishing shot of the setting.
We want to film a cut in of an ipod to introduce the instrumental at the beginning of the song before the lyrics kick in.
For shot three we want to show the pearly girl ((played by Lois Lame) screaming at a spider, and Lois Lame unfazed by it to show how she is one of the boys.
We also want to show how Lois is not seen to be a girl by using a split screen between the pearly girl and Lois Lame.



Shots 7 – 12 we want to include lots of close-ups as it is conventional for pop genre music videos and we also want to express Lois Lame’s emotions.


For shots 13 and 14 we want to create a montage to show the transformation Lois Lame makes into becoming girly. shots 15-18 show the response she gets by the high-schoolers. This includes wide shots, close ups, and cut-ins.


shot 19 is a wide shot of Lois Lame winning Homecoming Queen.
shot 20-21 we will overlap with a fade in editing so Lois Lame will literally become a flower to the audience, making our music video funny.
Shot 23 shows us challenging the conventions of a pop narrative, where she pushes the guy away.
Shot 24 includes a wide shot of a live performance. Conventional of a pop genre.




Shot 25 is a close up of Lois singing.
Shot 26 is a Midshot of Lois walking away, leaving the boy confused.

Location Research

Today our group went looking for location ideas, instead of just looking on google maps, we actually went looking around, in the cold…

Here is our pictures:


We want our music video to be set in a school, so we think that this will be a great establishing shot.


To make it have a sense of realism, we wanted to include lockers in our music video, so we went on a hunt around the college for them. (we finally found them in the hairdresser studio)


More location shots to make it seem realistic to a school.

For one of the scenes we want to film on a football pitch to amplify how Lois Lame is “One of the Boys”

google maps

(taken from Google images)

We have also decided to create a bedroom in the television studio, we believe that it will be easier than to go film in someones house.



One place we considered filming was in the town centre, however due to the ongoing citizens staring at the four teenagers with a camera, we thought it would be best to leave this location out to make the music video look more realistic.


Props and Costume Research

In class today my group decided to research some of the costumes we consider using for our music video, modeled by yours truly!


We think that Lois Lame would wear flowery clothes as that is her style, Therefore when she goes through her transformation we all agree that she will be wearing this dress.  In “One Of The Boys” a line from the song says “pretty in pearls” to emphasize this, we will have Lois Lame wearing lots and lots of pearls.  We decided against the sunglasses in the end, because we felt that they just didn’t suit our music video.


props 8


For the sporty side of Lois Lame we decided to dress her in typical jeans/sweat pants and a sport top. We believe that this will fit well with our “tom-boy” side of Lois Lame. We like the idea of the glasses as it shows her as a nerd-y kind of girl.


props 2


Another prop we like as well as the glasses is Lois Lame having a guitar, although we think we would prefer her to have an acoustic guitar as it seems more natural and fits the stereotype we have created for her.


props 4


As we have called our artist “Lois Lame” we thought it would be fitting to have a Super-Girl outfit in our music video, as it will add intertextuality.


For the “pearly girl” we wanted to do what Taylor Swift did in “You Belong With Me” where she played both characters, but with different hair colours. The girl who has the boyfriend and Lois Lame who wants the boyfriend. We like this idea and want to put it into action.

props 6


Finally we wanted to look at Lois Lame with blue hair. We realise that this will not work and will not fit with the stereotype we have created so we have decided to leave the blue wig.

Artist Mood Board

Today in my media class was kind of like an arts and crafts lesson you would see in primary school (minus the lollypop sticks and glitter)

My group were working on creating a mood board to show how we want our artist (Lois Lame) to look and what she would like etc.

we flicked through tonnes and tonnes of magazines, (so tiring)  and printed out pictures related to Lois Lame. Will in our group drew picture of the transformation we want to show in the music video, from when Lois Lame is a “tomboy” to when she becomes a “pearly girl” we included these pictures into our mood board. We also included pictures of Katy Perry, as we are using her song in our music video.

Mood Board

we included the title of the song we are doing for our music video, the name of the artist, how she interacts (Twitter, YouTube) and what she will wear before and after in the music video.

We also included what props we would like to use such as glasses, necklaces, lipsticks, footballs etc. And also locations a school corridor and football pitch etc.