Props and Costume Research

In class today my group decided to research some of the costumes we consider using for our music video, modeled by yours truly!


We think that Lois Lame would wear flowery clothes as that is her style, Therefore when she goes through her transformation we all agree that she will be wearing this dress.  In “One Of The Boys” a line from the song says “pretty in pearls” to emphasize this, we will have Lois Lame wearing lots and lots of pearls.  We decided against the sunglasses in the end, because we felt that they just didn’t suit our music video.


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For the sporty side of Lois Lame we decided to dress her in typical jeans/sweat pants and a sport top. We believe that this will fit well with our “tom-boy” side of Lois Lame. We like the idea of the glasses as it shows her as a nerd-y kind of girl.


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Another prop we like as well as the glasses is Lois Lame having a guitar, although we think we would prefer her to have an acoustic guitar as it seems more natural and fits the stereotype we have created for her.


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As we have called our artist “Lois Lame” we thought it would be fitting to have a Super-Girl outfit in our music video, as it will add intertextuality.


For the “pearly girl” we wanted to do what Taylor Swift did in “You Belong With Me” where she played both characters, but with different hair colours. The girl who has the boyfriend and Lois Lame who wants the boyfriend. We like this idea and want to put it into action.

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Finally we wanted to look at Lois Lame with blue hair. We realise that this will not work and will not fit with the stereotype we have created so we have decided to leave the blue wig.

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